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- How to get 5000 to 10,000 newsletter subs by Christmas
How to get 5000 to 10,000 newsletter subs by Christmas
What’s up, you peanut butter loving fiend...
The Digital Drip
Personal stories and in depth actionable advice to help you build a multi 6 figure Digital Identity - without sacrificing your health along the way.
This Weeks “Slow Drip”
How to get 5000 - 10,000 newsletter subs by Christmas
I launched my newsletter 2 weeks ago.
↳ And it already has 1,897 subs.
Averaging 200 new subs per week.
Here’s how I’ll hit 5,000 subs by Christmas:
For your convenience, this 8 step guide is split into 2 parts:
Part 1 - Setting up a unique newsletter
(For those who haven’t launched yet)
Part 2 - How to grow your newsletter as fast as possible
Get your peanut butter jars ready.
We’re in for a wild ride.
Part 1 - Indoctrinate Them into Your Cult
1 - The Pre-Launch Phase (Don’t Wait)
The past year, I’ve focused on my ghostwriting agency.
I didn’t feel I could create meaningful content consistently for my newsletter.
↳ Due to lack of time, energy, and avoiding split focus.
But Dakota Robertson gave me a crucial piece of advice:
“Setup a landing page. Start collecting subs now. You can start posting later.”
Thank god I listened.
Before I officially launched, I already had 1,272 subs.
(Not a bad head start)
⏃ Open up the doors while you prepare the feast ⏃
2 - Nail Your Offer
Weekly newsletters are a dime a dozen.
So why would your audience spend their time reading yours?
This comes down to your offers:
✧ Specific transformation
✧ Unique mechanism
A shameless example from this newsletter:
Specific transformation
↳ Helping writers build personal brands with 6 figure earning potential
Unique mechanism:
↳ Video newsletter so you can save 10 minutes of time per issue.
Remember, if you speak to everyone you speak to no one.
⏃ Find your lane. Stay within the lines. ⏃
3 - Create a Landing Page with Leverage
This is your chance to make a good first impression.
Use Carrd to create a custom landing page.
☑︎ Picture of you to create a human connection
☑︎ Add “hints” of personality when possible
☑︎ Testimonials from clients you’ve served
Reference other top creators for inspiration.
4 - Write an Indoctrination Sequence
Time to get a little “culty.”
Create a 5 part email sequence.
✧ Drip 1 email per day
✧ Start with a welcome email
✧ Aim to increase your subscribers emotional investment
I used Beehive’s “automation” section to do this.
A few tips to help you write yours:
✧ Share a personal story in each issue
✧ Keep all stories relevant to your audience
✧ End each issue with actionable advice they can follow
Credit to @laraacosta for this framework.
It’s called “SLAP”
⏃ Story ⇢ Lesson ⇢ Advice ⇢ PS ⏃
(No Lara Acosta, it’s not called the SLAY framework. Get over yourself).
⏃ Quick Pre-Launch Checklist ⏃
☑︎ Subscribe button works
☑︎ Automation sequence works
☑︎ All links in issues work correctly
My cohort launching on Sept 29th… Well…
Ya, I accidentally gave the whole thing away for free by using the wrong link.
Learn from my mistakes.
Part 2 - From Cult to Culture
5 - Optimize Each Issue
This will increase your chance of getting “word of mouth” marketing.
Turning each subscriber into 2 or 3.
Ω Provide Immense Value in Every Issue Ω
⇢ Put in 10x more effort than your competitors
⇢ Make sure each issue is relevant to your ICP
⇢ Pair known problems with unknown solutions
⏃ Value is downstream from relevance ⏃
Ω Use the “Pen Pal” technique Ω
I’m likely dating myself here but back in elementary school I would write letters to other students.
They always ended in a PS.
Do the same in your newsletter to show you’re human
⇢ End each issue with a PS.
⇢ Share links to bonuses, freebies, and fun goodies
⇢ Use this as a chance to showcase your personality (I always talk about peanut butter)
Ω Just Ask, Man Ω
In Fight Club, Edward Norton’s dweeby character is homeless.
After a night of drinks with Tyler Durden, he’s beating around the bush about where to stay.
Tyler says “just ask.”
Do the same at the end of your emails.
↳ Ask for a referral.
Embed a referral button to make it easy.
If you want to go the extra mile, give away a relevant freebie for every 5 referrals.
⏃ Cults are built by the members - not the leader ⏃
6 - Awareness Through Authority
Time to market your newsletter to the masses.
Here’s the strategy I’m using to drive 200 subs per week:
⇢ Add your newsletter to your profile or bio
⇢ Plug at the bottom of relevant authority driven threads (10 minutes after posting)
⇢ Repurpose threads as LinkedIn carousels ending with custom cards to drive sign ups
*Pro tip - Don’t do a generic plug. Make it fun, exciting, or personable.
↳ If you loved Barney as a kid, then you’ll love my video newsletter.
(Yes, I was a part of the Barney fan club, come at me).
⏃ Emotion leads to motion ⏃
7 - Share Your Excitement
Last week, I did a Twitter space with @danwestworld and @cognitivity_
I was so excited about the free guide I wrote for last Saturday’s Digital Drip.
↳ How to make your first 6 figures in 6 to 12 months as a writer
I couldn’t help but talk about it at the end of the space.
Afterwards, I had 40 people sign up.
⏃ Excitement is infectious ⏃
8 - The Value of “Free”
Lastly, create a free email course.
But make sure to pack it with so much value.
↳ Make it better than all the NPC’s paid content.
Seriously, don’t just throw this together.
✧ Rewrite each issue 3 to 5 times to get it perfect
✧ Have friends highlight each section that gives them hits of dopamine
✧ Cut or rewrite any sections that go to long without dopamine hits
As Hormozi says, the difference between amazing and average is 10x the effort.
Make a great product once.
🎁 Give it away 1000s of times 🎁
⏃ Evergreen leads to forever seen ⏃
See you in the next issue,
P.S. On September 29th, I’m launching my cohort to help writers build their online personal brand with 6 figure earning potential - Digital Identity.
Reply “Digital Identity” to this email to be added to the exclusive waitlist.
P.S.S. There’s more “goodies” below ;)
Oh. Are you still hungry?
If your mouth is salivating for more goodies, check out these free courses and cheat sheets (more coming soon):
The viral hook writing cheat sheets I use to get millions of likes and impressions:
My free video course on how to make $10,000 / month with high ticket services (less than 2 hours to complete):
Want to work with me?
Book a 1:1 60 minute strategy session where we work together to:
⇢ Pick your profitable niche
⇢ Find your unique writing voice
⇢ Source viral content ideas (within your niche)
⇢ Optimize your profile for followers and quality leads
⇢ Implement content writing secrets to grow your 6 figure brand
⇢ Perform a content and brand audit to show you exactly why you aren’t gaining followers, getting leads, or building a profitable personal brand
The best part?
I’ll throw in a follow up session for free.
↳ 2 calls for the price of 1 to make sure you have everything you need to grow and monetize.
With continued support on Telegram afterwards.
Smash the button below to book your spot.