This framework is making a lot of beginners rich

Confessions of a $500K agency owner

The Digital Drip

Personal stories and in depth actionable advice to help you build a multi 6 figure Digital Identity - without sacrificing your health along the way.

This Weeks “Slow Drip”

The Slow Drip Summary:

1 - Pick a Niche

2 - The Top Down Offer Approach

3 - Skill Stack

4 - Stack Social Proof

5 - Increase your Market Presence

Welcome back to the ‘Slow Drip.’

In todays juicy issue I’m going to show you how to make a lot of money online.

There’s tons of terrible advice about this that stinks of gimmicky marketing.

My goal is to cut through the noise and go straight to the money.

But first, a quick story…

Back in January 2022, I started posting on Twitter.

My first 6 months, I made $0.

No one took me seriously.

Or believed I would ever make money online.

Hell, I was actually starting to believe them.

I kept seeing all these 18 year olds posting screenshots of $10K months.

Meanwhile I was barely scraping by as a college teacher.

But then I hit my ‘tipping point.’

Within 30 days, I leaped to $10K per month.

And 60 days after that I was making $40K per month.

At the time, I didn’t realize how effective my strategy was.

Until I helped Abdu Khol scale his agency to $30K per month.

And then helped Darion Rae cross $6K per month with $7K of new clients in his funnel.

My point?

This framework works!

But before we begin, you need to hear an uncomfortable truth.

Making money online is hard. Especially in the beginning.

Not everyone is cut out for it.

However, you can join the 1% who do by following these 5 steps.

My framework for getting ‘rich’ in today’s digital economy:

1 - Pick a Niche

There are 2 types of skills that will make you magic internet money.

⏃ Hard skills - Marketing, code, and sales
⏃ Soft skills - Productivity, life advice, and mindset coaching

Hard skills are your fastest path to cash.

This is because you can leverage them to make other people money.

Ex) $5,000 per month growth partner service that makes clients $20,000 per month.

If you think hard skills are ‘icky’, you can make money with soft skills too (it’s just harder).

Regardless of which skill you use, you need to pick a niche and hit it hard.

Pick 1 from the list above.

Once you do, apply a top down approach to come up with an offer.

2 - The Top Down Offer Approach

“Create once, sell three times.”

-Sam Ocean

Every one of your offers will fit ones of these 3 options:

⇢ Done for you ($$$)
1 to 1 offer
Ghostwriting service helping founders add 1,000 newsletter subs per month

⇢ Done with you ($$)
1 to many offer
Teaching others to become high earning ghostwriters

⇢ Do it yourself ($)
Low ticket product

A ghostwriting course to help other writers become high earning ghostwriters

If you’re new to internet money, offer a ‘done for you’ service.

This is how I made $40,000 per month with less than 10,000 followers.

As you grow, repackage your offer to appeal to wider groups of people for a smaller price tag (Digital Leverage).

3 - Skill Stack

99% of people never make money cause they skip this step.

A great offer won’t matter if you can’t deliver results.

Read that again.

They want to make money as a ghostwriter, copywriter, or coach but don’t have the skills to get clients what they want.

Your niche picks your path, your skills move you down the path.

Devour as much quality information as possible.

Within your niche, consume:

⇢ Posts from top creators
⇢ Courses from top creators
⇢ Popular books from industry giants

Skill acquisition isn’t about consuming knowledge.

It’s about iterating to see what knowledge is useful.

Create content testing what you learn in real time.

When something hits, double down.

Be consistent.
Fail forward.
You’ll be an ‘expert’ in under 12 months.

Pro tip - deconstruct the experts in your niche.

How does Dakota Robertson write his hooks?

How does Jack Moses create productivity content?

How does Barbie make pink so fetch? (Yes, that’s a mean girls reference)

4 - Stack Social Proof

Social proof lubricates your closing ratio.
↳ Testimonials, case studies, and referrals.

It combats online skepticism.

And positions you as an expert.

Before I was a ghostwriter, I spent 3 months ghostwriting for free.

Before I was running Digital Identity, I offered 1 on 1 coaching for free.

Even to this day, I work for free to better position myself for my next offer.

3 ways to get social proof (fast):

⇢ Work for free
⇢ Become your own case study
⇢ Land your own clients and overdeliver

Take screenshots of every win you get (no matter how small).

Save them in a folder.

Fill your landing page with as many of them as possible.

Post them on the timeline to show your authority.

You can never have too much social proof.

5 - Increase your Market Presence

All the previous steps set you up for success.

But none of them matter if no one knows you exist.

Create meaningful content around your customers burning problems to position yourself as an expert.

When I was a small creator, my posts didn’t get any attention.

⇢ I connected with smaller creators in my niche (we shared each others content)

⇢ I paid for shares from big accounts (borrow their attention)

As I grew, I relied less on other creators.

Now I don’t need to pay for shares cause my audience is big enough to promote my content for me.

Shares = reach = opportunity

Once you complete these steps, do them again.

Keep improving your offer, skills, and market presence.

Master the basics.

And there you have it.

This might sound simplistic but it really is the no BS way to make money (without paid ads).

Your first 1,000 followers and $1 online will be the hardest.

It only gets easier from there.

If you’re ever feeling lost, come back to this framework:

⇢ Pick a niche
⇢ Create a done for you offer
⇢ Skill stack to become an expert
⇢ Acquire social proof at all costs
⇢ Post meaningful content to increase your market presence

See you in the next issue,


P.S. There’s more “goodies” below ;)

Oh. Are you still hungry?

If your mouth is salivating for more goodies, check out these free courses and cheat sheets (more coming soon):

The viral hook writing cheat sheets I use to get millions of likes and impressions:

My free video course on how to make $10,000 / month with high ticket services (less than 2 hours to complete):

Want to work with me?

Book a 1:1 60 minute strategy session where we work together to:

⇢ Pick your profitable niche
⇢ Find your unique writing voice
⇢ Source viral content ideas (within your niche)
⇢ Optimize your profile for followers and quality leads
⇢ Implement content writing secrets to grow your 6 figure brand
⇢ Perform a content and brand audit to show you exactly why you aren’t gaining followers, getting leads, or building a profitable personal brand

The best part?

I’ll throw in a follow up session for free.
↳ 2 calls for the price of 1 to make sure you have everything you need to grow and monetize.

With continued support on Telegram afterwards.

Smash the button below to book your spot.