29 people have joined Digital Identity already 🤯

the sorting hat has spoken

The School of Thought Newsletter

Make money with your mind, not your time.

The sorting hat has spoken!

29 up and coming creators have been sorted into their digital houses.

These will be next wave of influential creators growing insanely fast on X and LinkedIn.

Over the next 6 weeks, I’ll break down their mental walls and teach my best kept secrets of audience building and monetization.

I can’t wait to see all the value they create.

All the excitement has been so fun.
↳ I won’t lie to you. It’s got me giddy 😂

My goal with Digital Identity is to make more larger than life creators - and make the experience magical.

Not just run a cohort that hoards people into a 6 week program where they watch classes and write content.

That’s why it’s a community, not a course. We’re taking action & growing together.

Watching everyone from my last cohort graduate, seeing all the new faces that want to work with me…

… You all make my heart happy.

For real.

Thank you.

There’s still a spot for you here.

-Taylin John Simmonds